Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mr. Jordan and Mr. Anker Leaving

I didn't realize the importance of three band directors until Mr. Jordan and Mr. Anker resigned right before UIL. I guess that proves the saying "You don't know what you have until it's gone." Those two individuals replaced Mr. Gibson and Mrs. Hoeflinger, the assistant directors my freshman year. Having Mr. Ruangtip new to the band this year, It was nice to have Mr. Jordan and Mr. Anker also as directors to help us get through all the changes. It was their third year with us so they had most of the band's routine down. Just coming off an AMAZING Disney trip, I figured the rest of the year would be smooth sailing. I could get through UIL and then just enjoy the senior privileges in band with all the directors like all the other seniors had done in the past. Then, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Anker leaving really threw everyone a curve ball. Suddenly, the one piece of the band that wasn't new was gone. Everyone was sad, it brought upon a negative energy across the band program. Some seniors were really upset while others just dealt with it silently. It hurt a lot of the underclassmen because that meant the next years for them were unknown. No one knew what to expect for the future. I wasn't extremely sad, but I wasn't very happy about it either. I didn't like seeing the band having to deal with anymore hardships. I wanted to finish my senior year on a happy note, with all the directors. As time has past since that event, it has made me realize how important those two guys were for our program. Coming close to graduation, I wish they were able to be there and see how far I have come over the three years they have taught me but I know that isn't possible. So, I will just continue to be appreciative and hope both individuals do the great things they are capable of doing in the future.

“The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.”
F.Scott Fitzgerald,
The Great Gatsby

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